Between Heaven and Earth

In november 2022, fifteen dancers and artists explored a roof near Konstepidemin. Each presentation was its own world in coexistence with each other. A mix of improvisation, music, audience interaction and more. 

Organized by Dance Remainings in collaboration with Folkstaden Gothenburg. The project is part of The European Creative Rooftop Network (ECRN), which gathers knowledge to develop and share new methods for the sustainable use of the urban rooftop landscape as cultural environments and new meeting places. With the support of Creative Europe and the Culture Council.

Dance: Anmar Taha, Carolina Eguiguren, Kyrie Oda, Yrsa Heikenskjöld & Emelia Koberg, Mari Vittradotter & Sara Axelsson, Sebastian Ruiz, Lisa Larsdotter Petersson & Peter Janson, Katarzyna Paluch, Berith Stennabb, Love Hellgren, Jim de Block & Martin Nowakowski