Reflecting on the use and non use of the body. Why do we do what we do, and how?
“Some people use their body like a disposable plastic bag.
Others carry their body as if it were a Chinese vase from the Ming Dynasty.
Some people dress to be naked and others undress to stay dressed.
Some bodies are socially used as sources of pleasure, value, or knowledge for others.
Others absorb pleasure, value or knowledge.
Some people are not considered citizens because of the color of their skin.
Some people do not own their own body.
Others believe that the body of animals belongs to them.
That the children’s body belongs to them.
That women’s bodies belong to them. That non-white bodies belong to them.
Some people think they own their body like they own an apartment.”
— Paul B. Precious – “An apartment on Uranus”
In october 2022 a group of dance artists explored the rooms at the World Culture Museum in Göteborg with performance and dance interventions, celebrating the 50 years anniversary of Contact improvisation.
Participants: Mari Vittradotter, Sara Axelsson, Linda Wardal, Kyrie Oda, Nilla Björkman, Anna Emilsson, Stine Marcinkowski, Ina Dokmo, Madeleine Jonsson, Gilda Stillbäck, Gaetano Badalamenti, Tova Ekenberg, Feri Sri Danarto, Berith Stennabb, Tanja Andersson, Johan Nilsson, Tuva Hildebrand, Katarina Eriksson, Christian Hüls, Carine Cassia, Erik Mägi, Sebastian Ruiz, Jonny Berg, Adrian Isi Zar, Elena Perota, Jorge Alcaide, Luchano Munos, Felipe Botero
In collaboration with the World Culture Museum and Contact Improvisation Gothenburg.
With the support of the Cultural Council.